Wednesday, August 1, 2018

How to Use Aloe for Indigestion the Right Way and the Wrong Way

Over the years, natural medicinal plants have been set aside for prescription drugs, but people are starting to look for natural remedies for a more organic and less harsh solution. A plant that has stood the test of time is aloe vera. For centuries, aloe has been used to help regain digestive health because of its natural anti-inflammatory properties. At AloeCure, we are often asked what components of Aloe actually help the digestive function, so we decided to answer your question here. Can I eat an aloe leaf? Well, you could ... But before you do, let's break down the reasons why you should not. A common misconception is that you can simply eat aloe leaves to help relieve indigestion. While raw aloe leaves are technically safe for oral consumption, the leaves have a laxative effect. So, if you already have stomach problems, a laxative that disrupts your intestinal flora instead of improving pH regulation will not cause you any more problems. What you really want is this internal gel because it is a natural acidic buffer. It contains a polymannan known as Acemannan, whose structure and functional effects in overall health have been very well established. Aloe vera contains a natural buffer system that can restore a healthy level of stomach acid by increasing the pH just enough to relieve the discomfort of indigestion. The internal gel also acts as a probiotic to promote the growth of good flora to optimize digestive function. Some of our favorite ways to get the benefits of aloe gel are in an extract form, like a juice or supplement. As with any medication or supplement, when using Aloe for indigestion, it is important to check with your doctor and consume the correct amount. The simple solution: an aloe supplement Pure aloe capsules promote a healthy digestive system without any of the unpleasant symptoms that can occur when eating a raw aloe leaf. Aloe extract naturally calms the digestive tract and can help repair the lining of the tract and stomach. As damage to the lining is repaired, indigestion can decrease. With continued use, aloe capsules help maintain the lining of the digestive tract and stomach and indigestion is no longer a problem. Aloe keeps the digestive system balanced. Although this balance eliminates indigestion, you can also experience improved regularity. Keep Real with aloe water Drinking aloe water and aloe juice have the same effect as taking aloe capsules, but with a refreshing taste that can be consumed anytime throughout the day. Aloe water is delicious in itself, but if you want to spice up your aloe water and create tasty options, start with an infusion-flavored sports bottle. Place any combination of melon cubes, berries or slices of citrus in the brewer. Fill the sports bottle with aloe water and ice. Make sure the lid is tight and shake the bottle by mixing the fruit and aloe water. Wait a few minutes to allow the fruit to mix with the aloe water, then enjoy! Your taste buds and your digestive system will thank you.

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